
La Red Health Center

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Screening for Life
About image
La Red Health Center participates in the Screening for Life program that provides payment for cancer screening tests to qualified Delaware adults. The program is a cooperative effort of the Delaware Division of Public Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Cancers can be treated more effectively if they are found early, and Screening for Life can help you get the tests you need at the recommended times.

What Services Does the Program Provide?
Eligible individuals can receive:
• Mammograms and clinical breast exams for breast cancer
• Pap tests
• Prostate cancer screening tests recommended by your doctor
• Colorectal cancer screening tests recommended by your doctor
• Health education
• Help with coordinating associated care

Who Should Have The Exams?
• Pap Tests: All women age 18 and older, especially if they are sexually active,should have regular Pap tests and pelvic exams.
• Breast Exams: All women should have their breasts examined by a doctor or other health professional once a year.
• Mammograms: Women age 40 and older should have regular mammograms, as recommended by their doctor or health professional.
• Prostate Tests: Men age 50 and older (African American men 40 and older) should talk with their doctor or other health care professional about prostate cancer screening tests. Screening tests include Prostate Screening Antigen (PSA) test and Digital Rectal Exam (DRE)
• Colorectal Tests: Men and women age 50 and older should have regular colorectal cancer screening tests, as recommended by their doctor or health care professional. These tests may include colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or home-test kits (called FOBT, for fecal occult blood test).
